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Military Lawyer

Залишити заявку
на безкоштовну консультацію!

Незабаром ми зв’яжемося з Вами для консультації.

Going for military service,  a serviceman risks his life and health for the benefit of the Motherland. In this regard, the State undertakes to pay various statutory benefits, guarantees and compensations for servicemen.

Адвокат для військовослужбовців
Виплати військовим
Військові Адвокати Києва

The financial support of the serviceman includes:

  1. Salary and salary for a military rank
    (determined by multiplying the subsistence level of 1762 by the appropriate coefficient depending on the position)

  2. Allowance for years of service
    (10%, 20% or 30% of the salary, according to the number of years served)

  3. One-time financial assistance
    (provided once a year in connection with the serious health of a serviceman and members of his family, death of relatives by blood or marriage, fire or natural disaster, birth of a child, marriage, etc.).

  4. Rewards
    - for successful completion of the combat mission
    - for direct participation in hostilities (1000 hryvnias for 1 day of tasks: in the direction of the main strike in a collision with the enemy, missile troops and artillery from enemy fire, for reconnaissance, flights in the area of anti-terrorist operation / OSS in the affected area, air , sea battle)
    - for successful completion of tasks on destruction / seizure of equipment

  5. Additional allowances, surcharges
    (for skydiving, demining, combat duty, maritime money supply, etc.).

  6. Awards
    (not less than 10% of the salary).


If you, as a serviceman, need protection of your social rights, we are ready to represent your interests! We provide oral and written advice, support the case in court and seek payment of each category of cash security!


You can contact us in any way convenient for you:

  • write your question in the CHAT (at the bottom of the page) or by e-mail: ,

  • call the numbers: +380683009044, +380 67 775 22 77, 

  • visit our  offices at : 
    Kyiv, Solomianska Square, 2, office 801 or
    Vinnytsia, street Liberation, 2, of. 104/2.

Contact us and we will definitely help!

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