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injuries, trauma, contusion, disease

 Поранення Травма Військовослужбовця ОГД

One-time financial assistance  - is a compensatory payment guaranteed by the State in case of injuries and negative consequences for the health of servicemen, volunteers, volunteers, prosecutors, police officers (police officers), members of the rank and file of the Civil Protection Service, penitentiary service, which are recorded by MSEC ( establishing a disability group, determining the degree of disability ).

Practical Advice from the Military Advocate on the actions of a serviceman in the event of injury, wounding, contusion or illness during the war

       Step I. Notify and document.

       Step II. Seeking medical help.

       Step III. Passage of VLK

       Step IV. MSEC Review

       Step V. Submission of documents for the payment of one-time cash benefits


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